
Every Company has to deliver on the following four aspects, to be truly innovative. With our experience, we can help you master all four.

Managing Investment & Portfolio

Investing in the right ideas is essential to generate higher profit faster. But there are many uncertainties and it’s easy to get paralyzed by long initial analysis of business cases and risks.

We can help you:

  • Focus on the critical decisions and implement rapid learning to get the ideas moving

  • Set the right strategy, build the right methodologies and ensure all the right people are onboard from idea to profit

  • Build efficient metrics, visualize risks and opportunities that allow you to make the necessary changes or pivots proactively along the way

Whether you are a small innovative company or large corporation, we can be with you all the way until your profit is secured.

Resource Management

Many organizations fail to allocate resources to the highest priorities, spread them thin over too many tasks and the efficiency of the people is lost to overhead of task switching. As a result, projects finish late, costs go up and quality suffers

Resource management is a balance, however, and depending on your organization it’s essential to find the right balance of:

  • Dedicated vs flexible teams

  • Centralized, deep specialists vs project generalists

  • Tool data detail vs overhead of maintaining


There are 3 main parameters when setting up an organization to deliver innovation effectively:

  • Growth strategy and anchoring

  • Organizational culture

  • Competences and decision making

Some companies benefit from dedicated and deep teams while others benefit from innovation being integrated into the mindset and competencies of every employee. In the end, what is most important is what enables your people to effectively bring ideas to profit.

Through many years of building and leading innovation organizations, we can help you set the right goals and make the right decisions to get yours delivering successfully on your ambitions.

Improvement Engine

We can help you implement an improvement engine that continuously delivers business value!

The engine ensures that changes are both delivered fast and become persistent business improvements with full organizational ownership. Read more about how our improvement engine works below

01. Create

  • Design and develop the solution

  • Iterative to ensure fast ROI

  • One or more teams

02. Deploy

  • Organizational ownership

  • Validate ROI and strategic impact

  • Prepare continuous learning and improvement

03. Reviews

  • Demonstrate solution to stakeholders

  • Input for next iteration

  • Welcome change

  • Verify ROI

04. Learn

  • Retrospective

  • Improvements for next iteration

  • Review Solution Backlog

How we work

01. Assessment

Every improvement must start with understanding the real problems. Your company has unique strengths, opportunities, and market needs but also internal and external constraints that must be a key part of starting a successful business innovation.

Our assessment model ensures that together we uncover the right root causes and potential solutions that fits in your business landscape.

But is it then not complex or cumbersome? No - we scale our assessment to your situation. Full system assessments can take up to a week. Focused assessments can be done in a day.

02. Coaching

We provide coaching for all levels of the organization.

Sr. Business Leaders

  • Investing and governing innovation

  • The right setup to support both innovation and operations

Line And Functional Leaders

  • Roles & responsibilities

  • Balance control and delegation, decision-making, and supporting innovation

03. Workshops

Workshops are a great way to:

  • Ensure your teams stays interested and engaged

  • understand a complex topic

  • start a project the right way

In our workshops, we use the right balance of experiments, interactions, and reflection to ensure success and fun!

We also offer virtual workshops, so that distance is not an issue.


Let's talk about how to take your product to the next level

Denmark: +45 36 94 66 34

USA: +1 (651) 592-9789

Germany: +49 172 3040758

